Monday, 25 April 2011

The Ultimate Goal: Becoming a Verb

When starting a new Web site or Internet service, most technologists are aiming to sell to a larger company or gain hundreds of millions of users. But for some there is an even bigger glory than cash: their company name becomes a verb.

It didn’t take long for Google to win this honor, as people began saying “let me Google that” instead of using the verb “search.” Microsoft hopes that its search engine, Bing, is on its way to this usage too.
And of course this idea goes beyond search sites. Take Twitter, for example, which has been verbified with the advent of the word “tweet.”
Then there’s Facebook, Skype, Photoshop and many more technology brands that pop up as verbs in daily conversation.
But a company name turning into a verb has not always been seen as a good thing. Before the rise of Google, teams of lawyers were constantly at the ready to fight the use of a trademarked company name, especially when it was used to represent an action or even an entire industry.
Fred Shapiro, editor of “The Yale Book of Quotations” and a trademark consultant, said in an interview that although some company names had become standard verbs, including Xerox, Rollerblade and FedEx, the fear in the past was that such company names would be so commonly used that they would become “generified,” potentially losing trademark status.
Over the last several years this mentality has rapidly shifted as the Web has taken off. Now the power of word-of-mouth marketing can lead to widespread awareness of a start-up.
“What is new is that in recent years some technology companies have begun to think of ‘verbing’ as a good thing,” Mr. Shapiro said in an e-mail. “Their thinking is that there is a strong positive marketing value from verbing, because verbs connote activity and excitement and because widespread use of a mark as a verb extends brand recognition.”
For many companies online, where strong competition can quickly squelch a new start-up, this type of free marketing can far outweigh any dangers of the word or term becoming diluted.
“The success of brands in technology, like Photoshop and Google, has opened people’s eyes to the fact that becoming a verb is not always a bad thing,” Mr. Shapiro said.
It is still unclear whether verbification will have a lasting positive effect on these brands. Names like Band-Aid, Tylenol and Laundromat have become generic terms, even with a team of lawyers trying to defend their usage. Now, just because Johnson & Johnson invented the term “Band-Aid” doesn’t mean you’re going to buy that product specifically from them.
Who knows, maybe one day the word Google will become so synonymous with “searching” that you could end up Googling something on Bing.


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